The Ducati Sogno 19mm Dugon Lens is the rough equivalent of a 24mm lens on a 'normal' full sized camera. For those of us who enjoy shooting extra wide!

Please contact us with your lens list so that we can expand the information available for these lenses. 
Thank you :-) 

<-Later version

DUCATI - OD 6409.1 - DUGON 19mm / 6.3

The Dugon lens was referred to in the Ducati documentation as a "Wide-angle lens suitable for architectural, landscape and interior designations" and appeared for the first time in the 1949 documentation.

This lens was of the non-retractable type and had a field of view angle of 77 °, a minimum focusing distance of 1 meter, and an adjustable diaphragm between 4 possible aperture openings (6.3-8-11-16). The company documentation did not give any detailed information about the optical scheme.

For focusing, it was directly coupled with the Dream rangefinder, but the field of view did not correspond to that visible in the cameras viewfinder, so therefor a separate view finder was necessary (OR 2403.1).

There was no lens hood produced for this lens because of the recessed design and wide field angle, but there were several filters made for it.

Observing the serial numbers of a number of these lenses from those that we have been able to find please refer to the table below for our estimate of the number which may have been produced. An early production run was made in a small quantity in the serial number range 024xx  (in Black) on the helicoid and some of these were marked "SPERIM.LE" (Experimental) on the lever. Most were made in the later serial number ranges of 315xx, 33xxx or 34xxx with Red SN.  Refer to our table below for the data used for these estimates. 

Availability: This lens is rarely seen for sale, perhaps once every year or two.

​Original text and tables above by D. Consonni, with permission. Translated by MasterpieceCamera. © 2018

The following table is a list of known Dugon Lenses with the Serial Number and possible number produced in our estimate. Please help us in our efforts to expand this list by sending us any lens serial number/s not in our list so that it will be as accurate as possible, thank you! Latest UPDATE: June-24.

Rare early version->